Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Holidays

The holidays are here! Its hard to believe that the day to day business of life can add up to so many month--so quickly!--since my last post.

My days have been filled with work in my practice of psychotherapy, and also with increasing responsibility for my elderly parents. I'm aware that my children are watching me assume the role of caring for my parents. It's important to me that they witness the cycle of life that starts with parents caring for children, and ends with children caring for parents. I want them to learn that it's all in the name of love, and love is what makes a family, whether it's a biological family or a chosen family of friends.

I'm learning first-hand how important self-care is for caretakers. I've been trying to eat healthily, but sometimes it's hard to find time to sit down and have a meal. Eating on the run is usually not a good idea, as it just leads to more stress, like spilling things or not being mindful of the food we eat. Not making time for exercise is also a bad idea, as stress builds up in the body and needs to be released physically. I exercise to MANAGE STRESS!!! Some days all I have time for is a 20 second downward dog, but even that can be a lifesaver to me. And taking time to think or read--quiet time--is also such an important way to balance the stress of having to be "on call" for loved ones.

So this holiday season, I'm going to focus on appreciating my body and myself more. I think this is an important part of self-care. We may not look like the "perfect" ideal that we see in magazines, but we look perfectly like ourselves, and that's got to be okay. Sometimes the stress of the holidays can throw us off track. We make the holidays lovely for our families and friends, and that's wonderful--but let's not forget about making the holidays lovely for ourselves! Take time to eat healthily. Take time to exercise. Take time for yourself. Go out to lunch or tea with your girlfriends. Buy yourself a little treat when you're shopping for everyone else. Luxuriate in a bubble bath at the end of a long day. Have your partner or good friend massage your feet. Make self-care a holiday present for yourself. And don't forget, your daughters are watching--and learning from--you.


All best,