Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another Body Image Revolution!

Great news! The Body Image Revolution is starting Series 2 today!

Check it out at:" target="ejejcsingle

Warm Regards,


Friday, September 10, 2010

Helping Our Daughters

Hello Everyone,

I know it's been too long since I've posted anything, but the end of summer has been a busy time, as it is for most people. I've been busy clearing things out--taking bags of stuff to the Salvation Army, pulling weeds from my garden, trying to de-clutter a couple of rooms in my house. As I write this, I can't help but think that clearing things out is not just important on a physical level, but on mental and emotional levels as well. I realize that I've also cleared out some thoughts that have been like weeds in my life for a long time. It's like I took a step back and thought, "What is in this thought that supports who I am? What is in this thought that upsets me? Is it worth my sense of well-being to continue thinking this thought?" Periodic weeding of my thoughts-garden is important for me so that I can keep my true spirit alive and continue to grow and thrive as a person. It's best to uproot creeping negative thoughts early so they don't take hold and spread!

What does this have to do about body image and helping our daughters? Well, I think that negative body image is often fueled by negative thoughts about ourselves and our bodies. The same is true for our daughters. If we see our daughters, or any girl or young woman that we love, comparing herself to others or criticizing her appearance, it's important to step in--not in an intrusive or critical way, but in an open, helpful way. It could help to tell your daughter that she is beautiful the way she is, and then let her know that you think a part of her appearance is especially pleasing. As one of the girls says in my book, Picture Perfect, "Everyone gets a prize." It can help to talk to your daughter about her "prizes," and that whatever she considers to be negative about herself isn't half as important as her "prizes," which can include lots of things besides her appearance. In this way, you can help her weed out her negative thoughts about herself, and help her plant some new, self-accepting seeds. Of course, it's important to tend the garden of your own thoughts about yourself too!

Have a great rest of the summer!


Monday, July 19, 2010

Hi Everyone,
First of all, I'm so excited to have some new followers on my blog. Thank you, everyone!

I have had an amazing experience being part of the Body Image Revolution Telesummit. Last Saturday, I enjoyed talking to Sandy Kumskov (in Australia!) and taking questions from wonderful women from around the world. The comments about my interview on the site touched my heart and made a few things clear to me:
1. Women want to know more about how develop a good body image.
2. Women want to know more about self-care.
3. Women want to be supported, and to support each other, as they strive to take care of themselves.
4. Women want to know how they can support their daughters' positive body images.
5. Women want to learn how to place more importance on self-care and inner well-being, and less importance on the numbers on a scale or the expectations of others.

These issues are so very important as we strive to feel good about ourselves and raise healthy, confident daughters--and the Body Image Revolution shows that many women around the world are passionate about them!

I was happy to learn that many of the women listening to my interview were interested in using meditation as part of self care. Meditation is my go-to self care skill for when I'm feeling exhausted and drained--I feel rested and peaceful afterwards, like I've gotten a good night's sleep. There are many meditation techniques, and I'd like to share a simple
1. Seat yourself in a comfortable position (you can also just lay the floor)
2. Close your eyes and breathe in and out through your nose.
3. Think about your breath going in and out of you.
4. When your mind wanders, which it will, just gently focus your attention back on your breath.
Start with 5 minutes and build up to 20 or more.

There are also books on meditation techniques, and some good info on I hope this is helpful for those of you who have never tried to meditate before. I learned to meditate from a meditation teacher in the Chicago area, Neela Bindu. You might be interested in checking out her website,

I plan to write posts at least once month on different topics of self care for women--or more often if I have the inspiration!
Again, thank you for joining my blog.

Monday, July 5, 2010

My first blog!

Hi Everyone,

I've never set up a blog before, but I felt inspired to do this because of an exciting event coming up on July 17-28. It's an international telesummit called The Body Image Revolution and I'm so proud to be on the panel of experts that will discuss how women can stop fighting with their bodies and feel good about themselves.

If you would like to join in this amazing experience, click or copy and paste this link.

I truly think that The Body Image Revolution will help women of all ages feel better about their bodies. And when women feel better about their bodies, they pass along good body image feelings to their friends--and most importantly--their daughters!

Please join me in this groundbreaking event and follow my blog by clicking on the follow button on the right-hand side of this page. As a thank you for signing up, I am sharing several of my articles about body image, including my 5 Tips That Will Help Girls Feel Better About Their Bodies that you can share with the tween or teenage girls in your life. There also is an article about women, the media and body image. Click here to download these articles.

Warm regards,
Jill Zimmerman Rutledge, LCSW